

 You were fine. Just not enough.
 She's just more.
 More what?
 Will she love you more?
 Feed your soul more?
 Contribute more?
 But you love her more.
 You want her more.
 You feed her more.
 But why? What is more?
 It's not a definitive unit of measurement.
 It's not a tangible goal.
 But more is what you seek when you aren't enough.
 I wish I was more.
 More confident in my beauty, both inside and out.
 More resilient to the heartbreak that stays close to me each day.
 More able to let you go without caring so damn much.
 More able? I am able.
 I am able to forgive myself for giving you more than you deserved.
 I am able to pick myself up and learn to live without you.
 I am able to see the value in who and what I am and if that wasn't enough for you, I am able to see that you were wrong.
 But I, too, was wrong. 
 You didn't have the capability to encompass all that I am. 
 My love was beyond your comprehension.
 Your soul was too shallow to hold the depths of mine.
 My contributions frightened you, because you knew you'd have to invest more than you were willing in order to maintain the control you desired.
 You knew I would expect more from YOU.
 But YOU were not enough.  

~ A. Saam


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