

I am but a wallflower. 
Sitting by the wayside, watching life happen. 
Daydreaming of the day I get to dance. 

As it sit here, I whither. 
I become bitter and cold. 
I hurt and lose reason. 
When is my turn? 
Where is my song? 

The sun stops shining on me. 
I become fragile. 
I break. 
I lose hope. 

I question my value. 
Maybe if I were more like this. 
Perhaps if I were less like that. 
My eyes glaze over. 

I forget how to laugh. 
How to love. 
To be loved. 

I welcome the numb. 
I sit on a shelf. 
And wait. 


Life will NOT pass me by. 
I'll sit no more. 
I step out of the room. 
I run. Away. 

I'll play my own song. 
I'll dance all alone. 
I'll find I need no one. 

I will learn to live again. 
To love again. 
To be my own happiness. 
To wait no more. 

~ A. Saam

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